To work well, Generative AI requires quality content. GenAI is unlocking new opportunities to ensure quality content in both the Solve and the Evolve Loop, helping Knowledge Workers, Coaches, KDEs, and Leadership to do their jobs without adding extrasteps.

Solve Loop


Automatically capture the right knowledge from cases and incorporate it into article templates


Distinguish between content linked as Reference vs. Resolution articles

Evolve Loop


Get Coaches out of spreadsheets and into a centralized dashboard for Content Standard Checklist and Process Adherence Review activities


Visualize knowledge coverage compared to case drivers to help Knowledge Domain Experts prioritize content creation


Foster recognition programs by easily showing knowledge workers the impact of their contributions

Tune in to see Brian Corcoran, KCS Certified Practitioner & Global Support Evangelist, and Lynette Ledoux, KCS Certified Practitioner & Specialist in Customer Success & Search, demonstrate the impactful role of SearchUnify's Knowbler tool and analytics suite in driving customer success.