Did you know that 91% of unhappy customers don’t even give you a second chance? They switch brands without complaining. Anyway, the cost of escalations is horrifying, and imagine if you have to bear the brunt of higher customer churn on top of it.

This is where SearchUnify’s Escalation Predictor comes to your rescue. By tapping into the existing complaint database and performing sentiment and situational analysis, it helps predict the likelihood of an incoming support ticket that’ll lead to escalation. Furthermore, it facilitates root cause analysis so that you can identify the origin of a problem and take necessary actions to curb further escalations.

This datasheet delves deep into Escalation Predictor’s capabilities and highlights how AI’s building blocks help you automate efficient escalation management and streamline customer service delivery.

Key Takeaways


Sentiment Analysisfor Prioritization

Discover how ML & NLP work hand in hand to gauge the real customer sentiment & prioritize cases accordingly


Intelligent Triaging for Quicker Solutions

Learn how Escalation Predictor facilitates automated case routing to steer clear of unnecessary call transfers


NLP-Assisted Personalization

Understand how NLP & NLU join forces to help Escalation Predictor ensure contextual & personalized support