SoftwareReviews Buyer Experience Report offers an evaluation of SearchUnify, determined by reviews collected from real users, meticulously verified for veracity, and thoroughly evaluated. The report weighs SearchUnify against other vendors in the Enterprise Search category, based on predefined parameters to provide a holistic and unbiased view of the product landscape.

SearchUnify received a cumulative 8.3 CX score and garnered 100% scores for transparency, fairness, respectfulness, and integrity.

Other Emotional Footprint Metrics in which SearchUnify ranked highly include:

  • Efficiency: +94
  • Client’s Interest First: +92
  • Innovation: +93

Download the report to learn why SearchUnify is the definitive leader in this space, both in the context of product innovation and the positive feedback from end-users.


Helping Enterprises in their Search for Success

Witness the Cognitive Wizardry Unfold

Download the report to learn why SearchUnify is the definitive leder in this space, both in the context of product innovation and the positive feedback from end-users.