As customer experiences become increasingly immersive and seamless, the value and complexity of support interactions are expected to rise. Large Language Models (LLMs) present an incredible opportunity to enhance customer engagement, offering the potential to understand and respond to intricate queries, adapt to individual preferences, and deliver personalized support consistently across the board.

However, many off-the-shelf LLM applications are not specifically tailored for contact centers, leaving support leaders with pressing questions:

  • Are ready-made LLMs suitable for my support enterprise, ensuring a relevant, quality, and secure experience for our customers?
  • How can LLMs be fine-tuned or customized to address the unique needs of my support function and customer base?
  • Which Generative AI use cases should we prioritize to start delivering real value?
  • How can I build a compelling business case for adopting advanced LLMs in technical customer support?
  • What are the data security and legal considerations when deploying an LLM-powered agent desktop?

In this on-demand webinar, John Ragsdale, Distinguished VP, Technology Ecosystems at TSIA, Vishal Sharma, CTO at SearchUnify, and Divanshi Arora, Global Support Evangelist at SearchUnify, tackle these critical questions. They also showcase how SearchUnifyFRAGTM and the SearchUnify Contextual Relevance Engine can help address concerns around GenAI adoption, offering practical insights and actionable strategies for support leaders.