Chatbots were once touted as the heroes of the on-demand economy and quick service interactions. They were considered futuristic and an asset for B2B enterprises. The enthusiasm, it seems, was premature and their success rate continues to be a matter of concern. There’s a simple reason: pre-defined conversational paths are how most chatbots function.

Despite advances in natural language processing, chatbots cannot always pick up on the nuances of talking to humans and go beyond basic queries to deal with new, even unpredictable questions.

A cognitive search framework supplements the chatbot with seamless connectivity to the knowledge in an enterprise, and with key insights that can augment its artificial intelligence. From allowing support teams across the enterprise including marketing, sales, support, procurement and knowledge workers to seamlessly collaborate and increase productivity to enhancing customer experience, the winning combination of cognitive search and chatbots benefits all.

Key Takeaways


Trends & Research from TSIA

Hear what TSIA has to say about chatbot adoption and planned spending by its members


Why Chatbots Fail to Deliver?

The missing pieces in most chatbots implementations


Cognitive Search: The Underlying Technology

6 Key Components of Cognitive Search that Make Chatbots Smarter